Revival Oasis – Mobile IV Therapy –

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Immunity Booster IV

Immunity Booster IV

What is a Immunity Booster IV?

Our Immune Booster IV is a therapeutic infusion designed to enhance the body’s immune response through the direct administration of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients into the bloodstream. This treatment is often sought by individuals looking to improve their immune resilience, recover from illness more quickly, or maintain optimal health, especially during times when the immune system might be compromised, such as during flu season or in high-stress periods. It’s important to note that while these infusions can support immune health, they should complement a healthy lifestyle and not be seen as a substitute for it.

Immunity IV

Immune Booster IV


Ingredients: 500 ml Normal Saline | Magnesium | Calcium | B12 | B Complex | Vitamin C | Zinc |

What's inside?

IV Fluid: The foundation of every infusion is our IV fluid, similar to what you would receive in a hospital. Comprised of sterile saline and electrolytes, it keeps your body hydrated and healthy, providing the energy needed for your demanding schedule.

Magnesium: Ideal for those suffering from migraines and chronic pain, magnesium targets and blocks the pain signals that cause discomfort. It also supports the body in producing and replicating DNA, RNA, and proteins, essential for maintaining muscle and nerve function.

Calcium Chloride: Used to treat conditions related to low blood calcium levels, such as hypocalcemia, and to support heart function and muscle contractions in critical care situations.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is crucial for maintaining a properly functioning metabolism. It aids in the production of nerve and blood cells that combat fatigue.

Vitamin B Complex: This essential vitamin mix supports mental health. The Vitamin B complex keeps your brain functioning well and helps regulate stress and energy levels.

Vitamin C: High doses of Vitamin C can boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, and enhance your skin’s appearance. Its antioxidant qualities also help reduce irritation, inflammation, and infection, aiding your body in illness prevention.

Zinc: This mineral aids in healing, protecting, and rejuvenating your skin. It works to reduce the creation of harmful “free radicals” and shields the cells that produce collagen, your skin’s support system, mitigating the impact of skin-damaging agents like UV light and pollution. Additionally, zinc enhances immune function and reduces inflammation, helping to prevent and combat severe acne outbreaks. Incorporating zinc into this IV vitamin drip amplifies its beautifying effects.

With the Immunity Booster drip you can start feeling the benefits right away. You’ll experience benefits such as:

  • Rapid Hydration: The IV solution provides immediate hydration, which is crucial for maintaining optimal bodily functions and supporting the immune system.

  • High-Dose Vitamin Infusion: Common ingredients in an Immune Booster IV include high doses of Vitamin C, known for its powerful antioxidant properties and role in cellular repair and defense against pathogens. Vitamins B6 and B12 may also be included to aid in energy production and cell health.

  • Mineral Supplements: Minerals like zinc and selenium, which are critical for immune function, are often components of these IVs. Zinc is essential for white blood cell function which combats infections, while selenium boosts antioxidant capabilities in the body.

  • Antioxidant Support: Antioxidants such as glutathione might be added to the mix. Glutathione plays a key role in antioxidant defense, detoxification, and enhancement of the immune system.

  • Direct Nutrient Absorption: Since the nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, they can be absorbed much more efficiently and quickly than if they were taken orally. This means you may feel effects sooner.

  • Boosted Immune Response: The nutrients provided can help to boost your body’s immune response, making it more effective at fighting off infections and reducing the duration of illnesses.

  • Increased Energy and Overall Well-being: Along with immune support, the nutrients in these IV therapies often help improve overall energy levels and vitality, contributing to a sense of well-being.

  • Potential Reduction in Recovery Time: For those recovering from illness or those who are immunocompromised, an Immune Booster IV can potentially shorten recovery periods and enhance resilience

Our Signature IV's

Hydration IV
Basic Hydration
Anti-Stress IV
Anti-Stress Blend
Migraine and Pain IV
Migraine and Pain Blend
NAD+ 250/500
Myers Cocktail IV
Myers Blend
Detox IV
Detox Blend
Immunity IV
Immunity Blend
Acne IV
Acne Blend
Energy IV
Energy Blend
Hangover Cure IV
Hangover Blend
Anti-Aging IV
Anti-Aging Blend
Weight Loss IV
Weight Loss Blend
Beauty Infusion IV
Beauty Blend
Everything You Need IV
Everything You Need
Hydration IV
Basic Hydration
Anti-Stress IV
Anti-Stress Blend
Migraine and Pain IV
Migraine and Pain Blend
NAD+ 250/500
Myers Cocktail IV
Myers Blend
Detox IV
Detoxification Blend
Immunity IV
Immune Blend
Everything You Need IV
Everything You Need
Acne IV
Acne Blend
Energy IV
Energy Blend
Hangover Cure IV
Hangover Blend
Anti-Aging IV
Anti-Aging Blend
Weight Loss IV
Weight Loss Blend
Beauty Infusion IV
Beauty Blend

Areas We Service

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